苏宁置业展厅制作 展厅设计方案


To make the slider work tms-0.4.x.js file is used

就在明天 海港城潮流服饰 化妆品 家居用品低至1折

<div id="pro_slider">
	<div class="pro_slider">
		<ul class="pro_items">
				<img src="YourImage.jpg" alt=""/> 
				<div class="pro_banner">banner content</div> 
	<a href="#" class="pro_btn pro_prev pro_button1"><span></span></a> 
	<a href="#" class="pro_play pro_btn"><em>stop</em><span>play</span></a> 
	<a href="#" class="pro_btn pro_next pro_button2"><span></span></a>

You can add more images to the slider adding <li> tag to the <ul class="pro_items"> list:

<li><img src="YourImage.jpg" alt=""/> <div class="pro_banner">banner content</div> </li>

You only need to change the src attribute value and define correct path to your image file. Image captions can be added to the <div class="pro_banner"> block.


啤酒杯 ok塑料杯 日用百货 一元两元店地摊小商品监利口碑好的育婴师培训